Thursday, December 10, 2009

to night we had our book club/ bible study and it was good. i had a good croowd and i didn't feel nerveras at all. i felt like that some of the boys there were listen good but knowing what to say.
overall it went good, but please keep praying for our hall.
today is the last day of class and it will be bad to see it go by. it has been very good.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

first cor.10:1-5

here is something that i got out of this passage.

In this passage, Paul refers to ancient Israel. Paul tells of the all the things that God had done for the Israelites like leading them with a cloud by day and a column of fire by night. Also, he speaks of going through the sea in reference to when God helped Moses split the Red sea and lead the Israelites out of the bondage of Egypt. He also shows how the Jewish people were unified under Moses. Paul tells the Corinthians of how all had food and water, then and always had water in the desert because of the rock that followed then around whist was Christ. However, God had become displeased with most of them. So, because of their extreme disobedience to the word of God, God had all of the Israelites over the age of 19 die, except for Joshua and Caleb.
Paul wants it to be known about the dangers of being over confident and not having self control.

pav work

today out at the pav. we didn't have a lot to do so after bedding some horse stalls we started changing the fluids in the machinery. after dinner me and this other boy went to get the filters that was not at the pav. on the way back we took hwy 70, that was the first time i went that way back to the pav. then i had to go to chem. so i didn't help finish but i helped for a little while.

no book club

tonight we were aiming to have our book club, but the people that were doing to be there did not show. this could have been a blessing, i was not prepared the way that i would like to be. at first this made me feel like no one wanted to listen to what i wanted to talk about with them, also this would let me get a feel of were they are in thier walk with Jesus. for the boys on this hall that don't know Christ, i pray that they will come to know him as lord and savior. please pray for these boys. thank you.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

bible study

today me and a friend of mine went to eat at about ten to day. we ate at subway and he asked me to lead a bible study tomorrow night. i bleive i am going use chapter 10 of the gospel according to john. this study will be with some people that i have been talking too and it seems like one of the boys in this study has the wrong view. he feels like if he gives this life to Christ that it will bind him from what he wants to do. however, that is not right, it will set him free from this world of sin and dispire that we all are in. please pray for him and all the other boys on BE3. have a good bay.

Monday, December 7, 2009

now i am going to talk about how fun it is to walk around the libary of an evening just talking to people. i had a group meeting for my pc 2500 class and we got out at about 10:30 or so and i am still here writing a blog after talting to some of my friends. this is fun but it is about bed time so have a good night.