Thursday, December 10, 2009

to night we had our book club/ bible study and it was good. i had a good croowd and i didn't feel nerveras at all. i felt like that some of the boys there were listen good but knowing what to say.
overall it went good, but please keep praying for our hall.
today is the last day of class and it will be bad to see it go by. it has been very good.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

first cor.10:1-5

here is something that i got out of this passage.

In this passage, Paul refers to ancient Israel. Paul tells of the all the things that God had done for the Israelites like leading them with a cloud by day and a column of fire by night. Also, he speaks of going through the sea in reference to when God helped Moses split the Red sea and lead the Israelites out of the bondage of Egypt. He also shows how the Jewish people were unified under Moses. Paul tells the Corinthians of how all had food and water, then and always had water in the desert because of the rock that followed then around whist was Christ. However, God had become displeased with most of them. So, because of their extreme disobedience to the word of God, God had all of the Israelites over the age of 19 die, except for Joshua and Caleb.
Paul wants it to be known about the dangers of being over confident and not having self control.

pav work

today out at the pav. we didn't have a lot to do so after bedding some horse stalls we started changing the fluids in the machinery. after dinner me and this other boy went to get the filters that was not at the pav. on the way back we took hwy 70, that was the first time i went that way back to the pav. then i had to go to chem. so i didn't help finish but i helped for a little while.

no book club

tonight we were aiming to have our book club, but the people that were doing to be there did not show. this could have been a blessing, i was not prepared the way that i would like to be. at first this made me feel like no one wanted to listen to what i wanted to talk about with them, also this would let me get a feel of were they are in thier walk with Jesus. for the boys on this hall that don't know Christ, i pray that they will come to know him as lord and savior. please pray for these boys. thank you.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

bible study

today me and a friend of mine went to eat at about ten to day. we ate at subway and he asked me to lead a bible study tomorrow night. i bleive i am going use chapter 10 of the gospel according to john. this study will be with some people that i have been talking too and it seems like one of the boys in this study has the wrong view. he feels like if he gives this life to Christ that it will bind him from what he wants to do. however, that is not right, it will set him free from this world of sin and dispire that we all are in. please pray for him and all the other boys on BE3. have a good bay.

Monday, December 7, 2009

now i am going to talk about how fun it is to walk around the libary of an evening just talking to people. i had a group meeting for my pc 2500 class and we got out at about 10:30 or so and i am still here writing a blog after talting to some of my friends. this is fun but it is about bed time so have a good night.

Monday, November 30, 2009

tonight i am going to tell you about how people are not really that smart. the reason that i am say this because i see this at work, wal-mart. people are stupid and have two lines of milk and see the last one in the third line and reach all the way to the back to get the one and not get one that is in the two that is full. and this is my reasoning of people being stupid.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

black friday

yesterday i had to get up at 1:45am and be at work by 3am. was not the most enjoyable experience i have ever had while work for wal-mart, but it may have been the most interesting one. we had to have the people that wanted the product that we had in our line to line up in the isles so that we could mark how many of that product we had left. in my case i was selling 46" Sony bravia TVs and i had only 16 of them. i was hoping that they would sell quick and i could go to break and then go home, but they didn't so i had to stand there for three hours till i could go to break. and whine i went to break at six they had 6 TVs left but when i returned from break they had sold two more then i had to other things then i left and went and slept for a few hours. after i wake up i had to go back and work four more hours. it sucked!!!

Monday, November 23, 2009

today i did not do a whole lot but did go to class and seen were i messed up on my chem test and nave have a take quiz to do for Monday. this semester is about over with and i am glad in one since but scared in another. because i go t cell biology and i am afraid of having such a hard class to worry with. i thought this semester would be harder than what it is, i guess the Lord has blessed me with the knowledge to carry on with my studies.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

this is my second blog that i have done, yea i know that i should have more done by now. i would like to tell you about this singer that i have began lisining to on my mp3 player. i got this songs from my friend that is down the hall. he gave me some songs from this fellow named lecrea. yea he is black, but he sings rap songs about Jesus, and his rhymes makes me get this sense of selling out to the lord Jesus. his songs makes me want to give up every thing for the sake of the lord, even though i can give every thing on this earth for him, i can never repay him for what he has done for me on the old rugged cross two thousand years ago. and i hope for that who ever reads this will know the the lord though his saving grace.

Monday, October 12, 2009

this morning was an interesting morning, i got up around 5:20 and told the lord that i was going to hang out with him a little while this morning and so did. in went down to the Landry room here in the bottom of Browning hall and took my bible with me and done some reading in Paul's epistle to the Romans. it was good. then i spent some time with the lord in prayer. then when i was finished i came up stares and got some change out of my cup and went and got some of those Lance's peanut butter crackers and a Pepsi and watched the morning news. after i got done eating i went and borrowed my roommates cell phone and called my pappy to see what the fellow that came over to look at my calves said about buying them next weekend. then i waded in on some studying for chem it is aggravating to say the least. then i got ready to go to class and went to get some thing to eat down at that new breakfast place in the grill and it turned out fairly well. then i got my classes stated at 10:10 this morning and the rest is not to interesting.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I read the review of the Flatbread Company. It was rote by a freelance writer and former restaurant owner, Rachel Forrest. She done a good job writing this review but, one has to think about is that she does this full time as a career. I felt like that Forrest was truthful as she was writing this review. I read the first two paragraphs and I felt like I was there in the restaurant eating a flatbread. I liked the tough that she may have not really like all the aspects of the restaurant, but tough of some improvements to add to the sparse menu. The way she described the atmosphere was very impressive and makes me want to visit the place just to experience the mood of room. This review “Potter Power” written by Craig Outhier, was a good review and had some good and bad things to say about the movie. I would agree with the writer that the movie is too long for comfort. Outhier has a good criteria for movie reviewing, it felt like he knew his information about the movie making world. It seemed that he really didn’t like the movie and it reflected in his review of this movie. Outhier does a good job of going into all aspects of the movie. He had some improvements in this movie that that may have made it better than what it really was. All the things that he said were not good but they all were not bad.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Brooks, David “The Triumph of Hope Over Self-Interest.” The New York Times (2003).
This article has got a lot of truth to it in the view of people do vote their aspirations. Then it goes into saying that income resentment is not a strong emotion in mush of America. It also talks about how many Americans admire the rich and touches on resentment in social inequality. The last part in the article is talking about most Americans do not have Marxian categories on their hands. The article has a good bit of information in it.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I read the profile on Donald Lau named “Cookie Master” by Jeremy Olshan. The story is kind of interesting. The part where it talks about Lau picking the Powerball numbers was cool; it is hard to think that a man can helped all those people get that money. Well, it did say that he didn’t pick the numbers a computer did, but make a good story. Eleven years is a long time to be writing things, ideas, and thoughts. I bet the editor job will do him some good after all of that writing. The story uses a good amount of dialogue, it helps make the story. I like how the fellow in the profile uses some Chinese proverbs and some modern adages. I also liked his thought of using small ten words or fewer sentences; there is no reason to make a sentence to long.

Johnny Depp is a very interesting person. The story about him was very interesting. I liked the part about how he got arrested in New York City for trashing a hotel room, and he blamed it on his “hillbilly rage”. Another thing I liked about this story is that I found out that Johnny is from this part of the country, I guess that just puts a connection between him and the other people in this region. It is like someone to change when their first child is born. It help to understand that he don’t like the idea of being chased by people wanting to take his picture. It also like he is a down to earth person, it showed me that when he was talking about when he is in France with his family. The idea of him jumping on the trampoline, swinging his children, and looking at the tomatoes is what shows that he is down to earth to me.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Stop it lockinsfeild, I’ll feed you in a minute. She was the most impatient heifer that I ever seen when it came to eating. There are eight other heifers in the lot with her and all of except for her and a few others came in the gain way of the barn so I placed a cattle panel in the middle of it to keep them off of me while I get there feed. The place where I feed them is an old wooden feeder with two cattle panels put in “V” shape to feed hay out of. Out of the lot of heifers, ol’ lockinsfeild , I would have to say was the best looking one of the bunch.

“Seth, don’t stay up too late” my mom said to me. I told her that I wouldn’t, but I got to watching a scary movie on the Sci-Fi channel and stayed up till I got tired, about 3 or 4 o’clock in the morning. That was too late but my mom didn’t need to know that. The next morning I wake up the smell of bacon frying and my bellyaching. I heard pappy say, “Seth you need to get up and eat.” I told him I “can’t, my belly is killing me”. “Ok, don’t ask of something later” he said back to me.

When I was a young boy driving totally terrified me. Then one day my dad ask me to drive his truck from the landfill, that is where he at the time. I knew he liked his ’99 Chevy S-10 ZR-2, and I didn’t want to wreck the newest automobile he had ever had.

Monday, January 26, 2009

The story is called “Us and Them” by David Sedaris. The story is takes place in North Carolina, the author and his family moved a lot. They are originally from the state of New York. The house the author lives in is rented. He hears of a family that does not own a TV. That sparks his interests, so he watches from across the street during the day, and then at night he sneaks up to the window and watches. He is a very nosey boy it seems like. The family he watches is the Tomkeys. Towards the beginning of October they start going to the lake on the weekends, and the said this after they start going away “I felt like my favorite show had been canceled.” It seems that the author doesn’t do much either. The day after Halloween the Tomkeys show up at the author’s door trick or treating, they are a little late. They spent all of their time at the lake, they knew that it was Halloween because they left candy for others to get. There wasn’t any left, so the author’s mother told him and is sisters to give some of their candy to them. The author did, but his did not. After that, the author started hating the Tomkeys. This story got interesting and funny in places.

The story is called “Mick Jagger wants me” by Susan Jane Gilman. This story tells of two girls that linger out in front of a recording studio waiting to see the Rolling Stones. This story takes place over several weeks, so on nights that they didn’t have school they would attend wild parties. At these parties they would drink, smoke, and make out with everyone. One day, after staying up all night, they were out in front of the studio and see Keith Richards come out with his little boy. Then one of the girls gets to thinking about what they look like out there on that sidewalk, then decides to go home. She wanted to meet Mick Jagger at dinner party or some kind of sophisticated event, not on a sidewalk looking like a bum.